LA Al Fresco


Apr 09, 2021
submission #4056
LA Al Fresco Menu Options

Is your business in the City of Los Angeles

Is the restaurant registered with or is the vendor licensed to operate in the City of Los Angeles? ---
Do you have a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC) number? ---

Sidewalk Dining

Would you like to apply for sidewalk dining? No

Expanded Outdoor Private Property Dining

Would you like to apply for expanded outdoor private property dining? Yes

Expanded Outdoor Private Property Dining: Details

Where is the restaurant/bar proposing to expand outdoor activities? (check all that apply) ---
Approximately how many seats will be in the outdoor dining area? ---
Approximately how many tables will be in the outdoor dining area? ---
What is the approximate square footage of the temporary outdoor dining area ---
Do you own this property or are you a tenant? Tenant

Authorization from Property Owner

I certify that the property owner has authorized me to submit this application. ---

Hours of Operation

What days will businesses be operating in the temporary dining area? ---
What times will businesses be operating in the temporary dining area? ---


Will alcohol be served in the temporary outdoor dining area? ---

Alcohol Use Approval

Does the establishment have a valid Alcohol Use approval from the Department of City Planning and the California Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control? ---
Applicant Information

Applicant Contact Information

Establishment, Vendor, Or Organization Name 4100 Bar
Establishment, Vendor, Or Organization Address 1087 Manzanita St, Los Angeles CA 90029-3011
Applicant First Name ---
Applicant Last Name ---
E-Mail ---
Phone Number ---
I certify that I am the restaurant / vendor / business owner / organization representative or that I have been authorized by the restaurant / vendor / business owner / organization representative to enter into this agreement on their behalf ---

Applicant Type

Please select the option that best describes the applicant Individual Business


Is this business publicly-traded? ---

Certifications: Private Property

By clicking the boxes below, I, the applicant self-certify and agree to the following: ---
I certify that the City has not previously revoked a temporary authorization for Outdoor Private Property Dining at this location. ---