LA Al Fresco Menu Options
Is your business in the City of Los Angeles?
Is the restaurant registered with or is the vendor licensed to operate in the City of Los Angeles? |
No-Vending Zones
Is your business in a no-vending zone? |
Curbside Dining
Would you like to apply for curbside dining? |
Dining in the Street
Would you like to apply for dining in the street? |
Curbside Dining
Address (nearest address to the parking spaces where you would like to set up a dining area) |
Does the business have a Food Pick-Up Parking Zone? |
Dining in the Street
What type of on-street dining area would you prefer? |
To help us pinpoint the location, please enter the address of a business along the street you would like closed |
Hours of Operation
What days will businesses be operating in the temporary dining area? |
What times will businesses be operating in the temporary dining area? |
Will alcohol be served in the temporary outdoor dining area? |