LA Al Fresco Menu Options
Is your business in the City of Los Angeles?
Is the restaurant registered with or is the vendor licensed to operate in the City of Los Angeles? |
Do you have a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC) number? |
No-Vending Zones
Is your business in a no-vending zone? |
Curbside Dining
Would you like to apply for curbside dining? |
Dining in the Street
Would you like to apply for dining in the street? |
Business and Applicant Information
Applicant Contact Information
Establishment, Vendor, or Organization Name |
Establishment, Vendor, or Organization Address |
Applicant First Name |
Applicant Last Name |
E-Mail |
Phone Number |
I certify that I am the Restaurant / Business Owner / Street Vendor / Organization representative or that I have been authorized by the Restaurant / Business Owner / Organization to enter into this agreement on their behalf |
Does the restaurant / business owner or majority ownership identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color (BIPOC)? |
Applicant Type
Please select the option that best describes the applicant |
Individual Business
Is this business publicly-traded? |
Other Information
Is there any other information you would like us to know? |
Certification: Insurance
The applicant certifies that each participating business has a minimum $500,000 liability insurance policy and a valid City of Los Angeles business license. |