LA Al Fresco

LA Al Fresco Application

Jun 09, 2020
submission #820
LA Al Fresco Menu Options

Al Fresco Menu Options: Program Information

LA Al Fresco Menu Option Details ---

Select your Menu Options to Apply

LA Al Fresco Menu Options Sidewalk Dining, Private Property (including private parking lots), Parklet (parking space converted to dining space), Parking Lane or Travel Lane Closure, Full Street Closure

Sidewalk Dining: Details

Describe the sidewalk encroachment (tables, chairs, etc.) ---

Private Property: Details

Where is the restaurant/retail establishment proposing to expand outdoor activities? (check all that apply) ---
Approximately how many seats will be in the outdoor dining area? ---
Approximately how many tables will be in the outdoor dining area? ---
What is the approximate square footage of the temporary outdoor dining area ---
Will alcohol be served in the temporary outdoor dining area ---

Parklet: Details

Parklet Address (nearest address) ---
Are there parking meters at the requested location? ---

Parklet: Site Criteria

What is the Posted Speed Limit on the street adjacent to the parklet? ---
Does the closure restrict access to emergency vehicles, fire hydrants, or public utilities? ---
List the type of businesses directly adjacent to the parking spaces to be converted ---

Parking Lane or Travel Lane Closure

What type of lane would you like to close? ---

Site Specific Information - Full Street Closure

List the type of businesses along the street closure ---