Hack The Beach - Santa Monica

Hack the Beach 2017 Contest Sign-up

Sep 02, 2017
submission #65
Submit your idea

Your idea/ technology/ company

Name of your idea or project Threats Response
Which challenge area does your idea respond to? Building Community
Describe your idea and how it can help Santa Monica We will build this communication for each members of this City to be aware of all possible threat for any way that cam be alerting all the neighborhood and become a signal to incident response or a group that can help to whatever maybe. Example. If any of the person in trouble has a chance to describe, or report asap the situation and can response immediately to the scene just like what happened to Riverside County last year or so. People who are victim's and who can report asap the situation regardless it will help this people's or person.
What stage is your idea or project in? Idea stage
What needs to happen to launch your product? Please list all resources (hardware, software, licensing, legal/regulatory, funding, partnership or support from the City, data, etc.) required to launch your program. Ardunuio, Raspberry PI, Voice Talk.
How realistic is it for your idea to be implemented by early 2018? Please describe what resources (if any) you will need in order to ensure a working product by early next year. Microsoft Azure Platform, Thingworx

You and your team

Team Name Civatech
List team members and their roles ---
Contact email ---
Phone number ---
Primary Contact Name ---
Initial application scoring


Viability (40%) ---
Value (40%) ---
Growth (20%) ---
Notes ---
Advance to semi-finalist status? No - if no, HALT PROCESS