Hack The Beach - Santa Monica

Hack the Beach 2017 Contest Sign-up

Jul 17, 2017
submission #22
Submit your idea

Your idea/ technology/ company

Name of your idea or project People's CO2 Bank
Which challenge area does your idea respond to? Place and Planet
Describe your idea and how it can help Santa Monica Reducing our environmental footprint and global warming are powerful drivers in our consumer and lifestyle choices. I am proposing to develop an application that will track CO2 reductions based on our daily choices such as composting, taking public transportation, shopping at a farmers market and/or biking to the store or work. Each action that results a reduction CO2 emissions will receive a credit that benefits the environment and generates a monetary return as well through a salable carbon credit. The application will track CO2 reductions based on data utilized by the EPA with the ultimate goal of reselling the CO2 "credits" to companies and returning a portion of those proceeds to those participating in the program.
What stage is your idea or project in? Idea stage
What needs to happen to launch your product? Please list all resources (hardware, software, licensing, legal/regulatory, funding, partnership or support from the City, data, etc.) required to launch your program. Initially I would like to reach out to residents of the City of Santa Monica that have purchased compost bins through the Santa Monica Public Works Resource Recovery Recycling Department with the goal of tracking the amount of organic material being composted. Possibly being able to tie in with the GoSMGov app (geo-location) and/or developing an app to log and aggregate the amount of organic material being composted would be necessary. Being able to quantify the amount of organic material being composted and developing a market for the associated CO2 credits would be be the first step in developing a People's CO2 Bank. In order to track bicycle commutes and the associated CO2 credits, partnerships with Google mapping, Strava, and other fitness apps could be beneficial.
How realistic is it for your idea to be implemented by early 2018? Please describe what resources (if any) you will need in order to ensure a working product by early next year. The City knows who has purchased compost bins. Using the GoSMGov app or by developing a simple app to track the amount of organic material being composted, my idea could be implemented by early 2018, and would provide valuable information for the City, at a minimum, and ultimately could generate revenue for those residents who compost. This data will also assist the City in achieving its zero waste goals.

You and your team

Team Name Peoples CO2 Bank
List team members and their roles ---
Contact email ---
Phone number ---
Primary Contact Name ---
Initial application scoring


Viability (40%) ---
Value (40%) ---
Growth (20%) ---
Notes ---
Advance to semi-finalist status? No - if no, HALT PROCESS