Hack The Beach - Santa Monica

Hack the Beach 2017 Contest Sign-up

Jul 07, 2017
submission #13
Submit your idea

Your idea/ technology/ company

Name of your idea or project simpleAs1-2-3
Which challenge area does your idea respond to? Health
Describe your idea and how it can help Santa Monica This iOS app will be an easy 3-step process to help people speak their feelings and thus achieve better mental health and well-being. "The measure of good mental health is the time it takes you to tell the person who hurt you what they did that hurt," Dr. David Viscott.
What stage is your idea or project in? Prototype / MVP built
What needs to happen to launch your product? Please list all resources (hardware, software, licensing, legal/regulatory, funding, partnership or support from the City, data, etc.) required to launch your program. I have finished the 1st 2 quadrants of the App Face Screen "START" and "LEARN." I need to finish the finish the 2nd 2 quadrants of the App Face Screen such that they segue to their "View Screen Controller Scenes." "ASSESS" and "RECORD."
How realistic is it for your idea to be implemented by early 2018? Please describe what resources (if any) you will need in order to ensure a working product by early next year. It is realistic is it for my idea to be implemented by early 2018 if I continue to get mentoring help at my meet-ups.

You and your team

Team Name So far, just me. Two other women are interested in joining me on this project, Marlene Veltre of St. Joseph's Center, who has the time now as her position ends Wednesday 8/6/17, and her friend Aliza Astrachan, former Code Talk Program Mgr. at St. Joseph's.
List team members and their roles ---
Contact email ---
Phone number ---
Primary Contact Name ---
Initial application scoring


Viability (40%) ---
Value (40%) ---
Growth (20%) ---
Notes ---
Advance to semi-finalist status? No - if no, HALT PROCESS