LA Al Fresco


Oct 29, 2022
submission #1440
LA Al Fresco Menu Options

Is your business in the City of Los Angeles?

Is the business registered with or is the vendor licensed to operate in the City of Los Angeles? ---
Do you have a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC) number? ---
Is the business a restaurant or a bar? Restaurant

No-Vending Zones

Is your business in a no-vending zone? ---

Curbside Dining

Would you like to apply for curbside dining? Yes

Dining in the Street

Would you like to apply for dining in the street? No

Curbside Dining

Address (nearest address to the parking spaces where you would like to set up a dining area) ---
Is there a regular event like a farmers' market near the parking spaces adjacent to your business? ---

Hours of Operation

What days will businesses be operating in the temporary dining area? ---
What times will businesses be operating in the temporary dining area? ---


Will alcohol be served in the temporary outdoor dining area? ---
Business and Applicant Information

Applicant Contact Information

Establishment, Vendor, or Organization Name Tropical Fruits LA
Establishment, Vendor, or Organization Address ---
Applicant First Name ---
Applicant Last Name ---
E-Mail ---
Phone Number ---
I certify that I am the Restaurant / Business Owner / Street Vendor / Organization representative or that I have been authorized by the Restaurant / Business Owner / Organization to enter into this agreement on their behalf ---
Does the restaurant / business owner or majority ownership identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color (BIPOC)? Yes

Applicant Type

Please select the option that best describes the applicant Individual Business


Is this business publicly-traded? No

Certification: Insurance

The applicant certifies that each participating business has a minimum $500,000 liability insurance policy and a valid City of Los Angeles business license. ---